Endangered Animals
In the past, most extinctions were due to natural causes. In fact, extinction is a naturally occurring phenomenon that occurs at a rate of roughly one to five species each year; however, scientists currently believe that habitats across the globe are now losing dozens of species each day. Generally, species under threat but at a lower risk of extinction are said to be? threatened,? while those in more immediate jeopardy throughout a significant portion of their range are termed endangered.?
Endangered Species
Conservation Programs
Earth for Us to Protect
About Last Chance
Last Chance's goal is to conserve the world's largest wild places in 16 priority regions, home to more than 50% of the world's biodiversity.
This is outlined in our 2020 strategy, which positions us to maintain its historic focus on the protection of species while developing an ambitious plan to engage with a rapidly changing world.
The challenges are greater than ever, but with the focus, dedication, and passion of a committed staff—combined with a unique mixture of field, zoo, and aquarium expertise—We will continue to set the bar for science, conservation action, and education that has driven our success in protecting wildlife and wild places for over a century. We hold ourselves to the highest standards, adhering to core values of respect, accountability and transparency, innovation, diversity and inclusion, collaboration, and integrity.

Upcoming Projects to Fund
For rapid help in funding environmental projects or getting responses to project-related queries, contact us through (lst.chnce.org@gmail.com) or Ellen Field (alert@lst.chnce.org).

Willing society members like you can help by enrolling to conduct research and or donating their time and money to the research invitations.
Eat sustainable seafood. Before you order that sushi deluxe, consider where it came from. Many species are overfished; some are nearing ecological extinction. Becoming an informed seafood consumer can have a direct impact on reducing demand for overfished species. For more info:
Get to Know Us
We envision a world where wildlife thrives in healthy lands and seas, valued by societies that embrace and benefit from the diversity and integrity of life on earth. Our corporation has a strong research and support team backing it. This team specifically focuses on endangered animals like turtles and ways in which they can get conserved.