The Red List The IUCN Species Survival Commission hosts a separate website for their Red List of Endangered Species providing taxonomic, conservation status, and distribution information on endangered species around the world.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Endangered Species Program FWS maintains the official list of at-risk species within the United States. They also provide statistics, maps, educational resources, and images. Seek out “TESS” for updated totals of the endangered and threatened species.
Laws & Treaties
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) An international treaty, CITES restricts international trade in species known to be endangered or threatened with extinction.
The Endangered Species Act The Congressional Research Service provides a summary primer on the Endangered Species Act.
The Endangered Species Act: Success or Failure? Environmental Defense’s Center for Conservation Incentives published this white paper in May 2005 arguing that while some conservation gains have been achieved, more could be accomplished by the ESA through the creation of conservation incentives.
National Wildlife Federation: A Law that Works The NWF’s Aug/Sept 2004 edition of National Wildlife illustrates how the Endangered Species Act has been successful.
For the Classroom
American Field Guide: Teacher Resources Produced by Oregon Public Broadcasting, American Field Guide recasts outdoors programming content from nearly 30 public television stations across the country in a convenient, on-demand format. Resources for teachers include lessons on endangered species, invasive plants, species restoration, and ecotourism in the national parks.
U.S. FWS Kid’s Corner This site for kids from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Endangered Species Program demonstrates how loss of habitat and ecosystems can lead to a decline in biodiversity.
National Museum of Natural History: North American Mammals Search the Smithsonian Institution’s database by ?Conservation Status? to find photographs, illustrations, and maps of mammals by their ranking in the IUCN ?Red List,? then create a custom, printable field guide.
WhaleNet Sponsored by Wheelock College in Boston , WhaleNet is an interdisciplinary, interactive educational program focused on whales and the marine habitat. Students can plot the path of one of WhaleNet’s tagged animals or use the photographs for a classification exercise.
Lone Wolves: Debating the Endangered Species Status of Wolves In this lesson from the New York Times Learning Network, students learn about the controversy to de-list wolves as an endangered species. [Grades 6-12]